When you partner with MLC, banks compete for your project financing, so you will get the best rates available. Lease-Purchase Financing (LPF) is a smart, budget-friendly option that’s also fast and customizable. This is a very effective solution during revenue shortfalls and other unexpected budgetary situations.

LPF is considered a budget line item (not debt), saving you the time and cost of board approvals. Another advantage is you are able to replace what is outdated, and acquire the state-of-the art vehicles, equipment and technology you need NOW. Then at the end of the lease term, you retain FULL OWNERSHIP.

802.372.8435 — Contact MLC today to get expert financing recommendations.

School Districts

  • School Buses (All Types and Sizes)

  • Staff Fleet Vehicles, Hybrid, Electric

  • Athletics: Lighting, Turf, Bleachers, Fitness Equipment, Gyms, Courts, Lockers

  • Groundskeeping / Landscaping Equipment

  • Golf Carts / Campus Security

  • Vehicle Maintenance Equipment

Fire / Police / EMS

  • Fire Trucks (All Types and Sizes)

  • Specialized: Pumpers, Ladder Trucks, Fireboats, Heavy Rescue, Hazardous Materials

  • Police Cars, SUVs, Trucks

  • Police and Fire Command, Fleet Vehicles

  • Advanced Mobile Command Units

  • EMS Vehicles / Ambulances (Types 1, 2, 3)

Municipal / Cities / Towns

  • Fleet Vehicles: Gas, Diesel, Hybrid, Electric

  • Heavy Duty Vehicles: Dump Trucks, Payloaders, Loaders, Buckets, Pickup Trucks

  • Snow Removal, Street Sweepers, Garbage and Recycling Trucks, Sewer Vac Trucks

  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

  • Vehicle Maintenance Equipment

  • Parking Enforcement

MLC - School bus lease-purchase finance
MLC, Fire, rescue, truck, lease-purchase finance
Police, SUV, police car, truck, lease-purchase finance
municipal, heavy duty vehicle, lease-purchase finance

Infrastructure +
Technology Upgrades

Power / Water / Waste Facilities

When your municipal systems are ready for an upgrade, MLC can help you create customized solutions that work best for your facility managers, residents and budget.

  • Next-Gen Energy-Efficient HVAC Systems, Smart Control Systems

  • Smart Energy Management Equipment and Integrated Systems

  • Backup Power Systems, MicroGrid Systems, Energy Storage for On-Demand Usage

  • Water and Waste Treatment Plants

  • Water Heaters, Purifiers, Cafeteria Equipment

  • Thermal Waste Treatment and Energy Recovery

Computers / Tablets / Connected Devices

Cost-effective MLC financing offers amazing benefits when you need to upgrade to the latest connected technology, devices, and systems.

  • Latest Chromebooks/PCs/Macs, Tablets, Laptops, Desktops, Applications

  • Cyber-Threat Prevention, Shielded IT Servers, Firewalls, Telecom Systems

  • Ultra-Fast Wi-Fi 7 Systems, Routers and Connectivity Equipment

  • Emergency Response Systems, 911 / Dispatch Centers, Computer and Phone Systems

  • Advanced In-Vehicle Communication Technologies for Police / EMS / Fire Depts / Roads / Public Works

IT System Security /
AI Integration

Technology is rapidly changing and improving. Now you can get the very latest safety, security and productivity technology.

  • Safer + More Secure
    Access Control Devices, Card Key Systems and Electronic Locks can help maintain the physical security of your buildings.

  • Monitoring Technology
    Hi-definition cameras and video monitoring keep your work and public spaces safer.

  • Energy Management Systems
    Procure the digital tech to monitor your systems, and show areas where efficiencies can help reduce costs.

  • Maximum Efficiency
    The latest technology can help you offer optimal municipal services while reducing costs.

INFRASTRUCTURE and TECHNOLOGY UPGRADES, lease-purchase financing
HVAC, boilers, municipal systems waste water, water treatment, lease-purchase financing
Computers, tablets, connected devices, servers, desktop, security, surveillance, lease-purchase financing
Municipal safety, access control, security cameras, video monitoring, lease-purchase financing


Since 1994, MLC has helped finance more than $2 billion in municipal equipment and technology projects, and over $900 million in energy efficiency projects all across the USA! Call us today to discuss all the options for your upcoming project.

