Financing options for your energy projects are more cost-effective than ever! This means your overall energy costs will be reduced while using less energy. Tax-exempt municipal financing agreement lets you finance the very latest energy-efficient technology, renewable projects and equipment upgrades. Projects include energy production, storage, HVAC tech and building upgrades.
This is next-gen technology you can have installed now! And it is far more advanced than systems installed just a few years ago. When you partner with MLC, we’ll guide you through the process. Banks will compete for your project financing, so you’ll always get the best rates available. Contact the MLC Energy Project Financing experts today for a free consultation to discuss your needs and options.
802.372.8435 — Contact MLC today to get expert financing recommendations.
ESPC: Energy Savings Performance Contracts
An Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) is a budget-neutral approach to make building improvements that reduce energy and water use and increase operational efficiency.
Partnering with an Energy Service Company (ESCO), you can use an ESPC to pay for the latest facility upgrades and technology with tomorrow’s energy savings — without tapping into capital budgets. And MLC will guide you every step of the way!
LED Lighting Projects + Energy Efficient Upgrades
In 2023, LED Lighting Projects and other Energy Efficient Upgrades should be an integral of your municipal budget-reduction plan. MLC can help you implement the latest technology and equipment to achieve maximum financial savings.
Power Generation, Storage + Management
MLC can help you obtain sustainable energy solutions your municipality. This system reduce operating costs and improve your services with integrated energy solutions that balance cost efficiency, resilience, and environmental responsibility.